Brief background

Per G Hanson, born 1953, is a "modern colorist" from Gothenburg. Grow up with Valand's art school as a neighbor, where many studies in sketching were felled. For a long time, he has practiced many different courses and studies in drawing, painting watercolor, oil and acrylic on Valand's art school, Gerlesborg and others. Artistic education architect SIR / MSA

During the years 1996-2019, Pers's base for the painting has been in his large studio at Sockerbruket, Röda Sten, Gothenburg. From January 2019 he working in Studio Salth, Sollidenvägen 9 in Hunnebostrand, in the area of the granitecoast


 Own thoughts

"I am an experienced observer and easy to memorize in pictures. This gives me a great advantage when I create my painting. Nature is a big part of my soul, especially the sea and coast, my second home, I stay there all year in all conceivable conditions regardless of weather and season, my painting is inspired by nature and shows itself in various shapes from figuratively abstract to completely abstract, the light and the colors should give the viewer an experience with positive energy and surprises over time ... "


Solo exhibitions

Gallery Studio SALTH, Hunnebostrand - 23

Gallery Studio SALTH, Hunnebostrand - 22

Solhem Gallery, Rabbalshede Tanum - 2020

Gallery Studio Salth, Hunnebostrand - 2019  

Gallery Studio Salth, Hunnebostrand - 2018

Gallery Vann Spa Hotel, Brastad - 2018

Gallery Studio SALTH, Hunnebostrand - 2017

Gallery RIVAA, Roosevelt Island, New York - 2016

Gallery Artisten, Fjällbacka - 2016

Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2016

Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2013

Björholmens Konsthalll, Tjörn - 2013

Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2011

Björholmens Konsthall, Tjörn - 2011

Rökeriet, Strömstad - 2011

Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2009

Gallery Media SVT, Göteborg - 2008

Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2007

Länsstyrelsens Konstsalong, Göteborg - 2006 

Gallery Skansen, Göteborg - 2005

Gallery Trappan, Göteborg - 2004


Group exhibitions

Groupexhibition Tofta Konstgalleri, Varberg -2024

Groupexhibition STRANDVERKET, Marstrand - 2023

Summerexhibition, Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2023

Groupexhibition, Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2020

Summerexhibition, Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2018

Julsalong, Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2015

Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2015

Gallery Sjöhästen, Nyköping - 2015

Springexhibition, Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2014

Axesshuset, Haga, Göteborg - 2014

Springexhibition, Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2010

Gallery 101, Malmö - 2009-10

Art Fair, Göteborg - 2008

Gallery Backlund, Göteborg - 2007


Assignments & decorations

Alpha IT, Göteborg

Axess Akuten, Göteborg

Folkets Hus, Göteborg

Axess Spesialistklinikk, Oslo

Capio Radiologi, Göteborg

Lundby Sjukhus, Göteborg

Sophiahemmet, Göteborg

Donator, Askim

Läkargruppen, Örebro

Spenshult, Oskarström

Art Clinic, Göteborg

Infranordic, Göteborg

Landsarkivet Aleris, Klippan Kulturfastigheter, Göteborg

Aleris, Malmö Arena, Hyllie

Annedalskliniken, Göteborg

GHP Ortho Center Stockholm2019 - new paintings

Evidia Sverige AB, Radiologic Center Malmö ENTRÉ and Hyllie ARENA

Art Associations


Studio Gothenburg



2019 project "the sea meeting free humans"

Art project for Länsförsäkringar Incurance Company in collaboration with Professor Arne Isacsson. Documented.

Paintings for Anna Odell's new movie "X & Y". Premiere November 23, 2019.




Grants for painting in Grez-sur-Loing, France

Workshop Gerlesborg Artschool, Musselina, Watercolor Museum, Granite Coast Area etc.


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